Section One: Transported to Apifera
Broken Hearts Go West
{Hibernate, Percolate, Doubt, Believe}
Interlude: How to Communicate with a Painting
Love Thy Neighbor
{Nesting, Share, Unexpected, Reawakened}
Interlude: Harvesting Apple Creatures
A Barn Speaks, A Donkey Arrives
{Listen, Evolve, Lessons, Purpose, Revelations}
Interlude: Finding an Animal’s Purpose
Bake It and They Will Come
{Build, Moments, Reinvent, Dream}
Interlude: How to Make a Raggedy Top Crust
Section Two: Pie Love
Pie of a Child & The Love of a Mother
{Resonance of the Pie}
Favorite Pies of Pigs, Poets & Ramblers
{Apple Pie for Dreamers}
{Motherly Pie Crust}
{Blackberry Pie for Theatrical Thinkers}
{Peach Pie for Poets}
{Lemon Chess Pie for Old Souls}
{Walnut Pie for Wanderers}
{Buttermilk Pie to Warm the Farmer’s Heart}
And the Dream Keeps Giving
Living the Circle
A Girl Named Emma